Our Vision

Our vision is to create a one-stop-shop where people could find everything they needed for their homes and families at affordable prices.

Our Mission

We aim to create a diverse and inclusive shopping experience that celebrates individuality and meets the unique needs of every customer. We strive to build a welcoming and supportive environment where all customers feel valued and respected, our purpose is to exceed our customer's expectations and provide them with the best possible shopping experience.
At point center, we are dedicated to promoting a sense of community and belonging, where everyone is encouraged to express their true selves and embrace their individuality.


Since 2019 We opened our doors and offered a variety of products, including home appliances, cosmetics and perfumes, toys, and more. The community was thrilled to have a new store in the area and welcomed us with open arms.
While our vision is to create a one-stop-shop where customers could find everything they needed for their homes and families at affordable prices, We also have a goal to create job opportunities for people in our struggling community.
 We are committed to do a positive impact on the community, not just through job creation but also by offering affordable prices on all of our products.
To expand our reach and provide even more value to our customers, Point Center recently launched an online store. This move has allowed us to serve customers not just in their local community but also in surrounding areas.
Thanks to the dedication and hard work of Point Center, the store has become a vital part of the community, providing both job opportunities and affordable prices on essential products. we are proud to be making a positive impact and are committed to continuing to grow and serve the needs of our comuity for years to come.


Mr. Ali Ali Ahmad, founder and CEO of Point Center, boasts an impressive professional background that has led to his success in the business world. He began his career as a purchasing manager within his family business in 2000, and later served as the managing director of AAA United Company from 2009 to 2018, where he demonstrated exceptional leadership and strategic decision-making skills.

In 2019, Mr. Ahmad founded Point Center, and despite facing significant challenges due to COVID-19 lockdown restrictions and economic instability, Mr. Ahmad's bold and innovative thinking enabled him to make the necessary decisions to keep his business running and adapt to obstacles. His remarkable ability to adapt and make bold decisions has allowed him to thrive in the face of adversity and make him a successful business leader.